The first season of “Dune: Prophecy” came to a close on Sunday with a
The first season of “Dune: Prophecy” came to a close on Sunday with a
This posting was initially published on February 29, 2024. As of Could 21, 2024,
Hi, I’m dads. Image: Warner Bros. It is about an hour into Kevin Costner’s
May thy television remote chip and shatter. After an impressive run in theaters, director
“I am an earthling — after that I’m galactic and then I’m universal,” Alejandro
A very long-working sandstorm at the Jersey Shore could quickly appear to an conclude
This review was posted on February 29, 2024. On April 16, Dune: Element Two
The sequel’s condemnation of colonialism rings phony when it will not acknowledge its own
Zendaya in Dune: Portion Two. Photograph: Warner Bros/Courtesy Everett Assortment I didn’t see Dune:
He gets to marry Florence Pugh and be soul mates with Zendaya? Photo: Niko