Sharks in Brazil Test Positive for a Surprising Contaminant: Cocaine Cocaine has been detected
Sharks in Brazil Test Positive for a Surprising Contaminant: Cocaine Cocaine has been detected
For Nation Beat, their globe-trotting groove has crossed not only countries, but continents. And
After torrential rain in Brazil, the flood caused havoc 2 million people affected in
1.4 million people affected by floods in Brazil Brazil’s Rio Grande do Sul state
Floods in Brazil: Al Jazeera quoted the government as saying that torrential rains and
A ferry boat collided with a submerged bridge and overturned on Saturday, May 4,
Madonna place on a no cost concert on Copacabana beach front Saturday night, turning
A state of universal disaster due to floods in Brazil Many flights affected due
Heavy rains and landslides have hit Brazil’s southern state of Rio Grande do Sul.
Brazil’s heaviest rainfall and landslide ever 12 aircraft and more than 600 military personnel