Whether you do it or not, we probably don’t have to convince you of the importance of core work. Building a strong core will help you in every area of your life. You use your core when you get up from a lying-down position or lift heavy bags, for instance. And it’s also at the foundation of just about every exercise you do in the gym, regardless of what muscle is being targeted. And if you do regularly engage your core (good for your!), your next step is to add the right weighted ab exercises to your routine.
For all of the weighted ab exercises ahead, all you need is a set of dumbbells, a medicine ball, or a couple of handy weight substitutes, such as water bottles or cans of food. To get the most bang for your buck when doing these exercises, choose a weight that feels challenging by the last few reps. These will likely feel much harder than bodyweight ab exercises, so know that it’s totally normal to feel your muscles shaking.
Keep reading to see eight different weighted ab exercises you can add to your workout, plus a recommended number of sets and reps for each. Add a few to the end of your next workout as a core finisher, or turn these weighted ab exercises into a full-on workout by picking five and repeating them circuit-style. As always, listen to your body and feel free to modify or switch to bodyweight as needed.
— Additional reporting by Maggie Ryan