oi-Jayeshkumar Bhikhalal
The Supreme Court of America has given a historic decision. Where on the basis of differences like race and caste, administration has been banned in university-college. All parties there and a large number of Molokos have welcomed the decision. But President Joe Biden disagrees.
President Biden said that he disagrees with the decision of the US Supreme Court. The decades-old practice has received a major setback. In which African American educational opportunities were encouraged. He also said that the university should not abandon its commitment to create various student organizations.
The President said that discrimination is still present in America. Even today the decision does not change it. It is a simple fact that if a student faces adverse conditions in the path of education, colleges should recognize and give importance to it.
Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts has given this decision. He said that if any student goes to college or university with him. So deal based on his experience. Not based on race. With this, the court has made administrative programs on the basis of race unusual. The court said that if someone is doing it, then it should be strictly investigated.
English summary
President Joe Biden upset with US Supreme’s decision
Story first published: Friday, June 30, 2023, 11:39 (IST)